American Heart Association CPR and First Aid Training

Class Schedule

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The BLS for Healthcare Providers course is designed to provide a wide variety of certified or noncertified, licensed or nonlicensed, healthcare professionals with the skills to keep people alive until they can be brought to a hospital or be treated with more advanced lifesaving measures.

 The BLS course covers:


  • Adult, Child, and Infant CPR
  • CPR on a Pregnant Woman
  • Two-rescuer scenarios and use of the bag-valve mask
  • Foreign-body airway obstruction (conscious and unconscious)
  • Automated external defibrillation (AED) for adult, child, and infant
  • Special resuscitation situations
  • Other cardiopulmonary emergencies and stroke and cardiac arrest 
  • Advanced Airways
  • Rescue Breathing

The student must demonstrate proficiency in CPR and AED skills, including prioritizing chest compressions and integrating the AED. Upon successful completion of skills testing, students will receive an American Heart Association certificate.